Howling Up At The Moon and Moaning Under The Stars
How to build a monster, or, How California Government feeds on itself.
Dan Walters, in the Sacramento Bee points out the obvious about government, and the impacts of it’s intrusion into the lives of it’s citizens: Every new regulatory or taxation policy immediately spawns an array of financial stakeholders who then hire lobbyists and political consultants, distribute money to political policymakers, and seek self-serving applications of government…
AT&T is NOT my friend
After six weeks of scheduling our IPFlex circuit move with ATT they conclude: “We just need 48 hours notice to test and turn up your circuit” for our mid-September move to our new building. Friday at noon on a holiday weekend, from AT&T: “If you don’t get the router installed and have our team test…
California cries about jobs, while killing job creators
California Unemployment is going up. Not that it wasn’t already up. It has hovered near 12% for well in excess of a year. And it certainly isn’t going to get better soon. California has a functional $9 billion budget deficit. Meaning that functionally, because of spending mandated via legislation, and the Californian public’s absurd predisposition…
Project 2996
Ten years on, and that terrible day still lingers over our nation. Ten years. Most often, I remember the feelings of that day. The sense of loss, shock, and despair. But for those lost that day, for their family and friends, we should try to mark that day with the glory of the lives that…
Once Upon A Time, A Golden State
Victor Davis Hanson posits at Pajamas Media on the past state of California’s greatness, and our lack of attribution to those who carried the burden of achieving it: 5) I can never quite understand the writ against our ancestors. I came into this world in 1953 replete with electricity, and modern medicine at the dawn…
A Silver Quarter Century: The Time Of Our Lives
History denotes July 20th as a date of significance. In 1969, Neil Armstrong took that first step onto another heavenly body, descending from the Lunar Module Eagle, onto the surface of the moon at the Sea of Tranquility. But I hold the date in 1986 more closely. Today marks the 25th anniversary of our wedding.…
San Francisco considers new tolls.. to cross town.
A bit of Friday morning delight. From the Sacramento Bee: San Francisco transportation officials are considering charging drivers to cross downtown and the city’s southern border with San Mateo County. Among the ideas under consideration is a $6 charge to leave the city’s northeast sector, which includes the Financial District, weekdays between 3:30 and 6:30…
A 40-something answers the call.
Smitty, over at The Other McCain has orders to active duty in mid November, and will be arriving in Kabul Afghanistan before Christmas. A Naval Reservist, and graduate of Canoe U, he, like myself, is overage and decrepit. Yet the call goes out and he answers it. But don’t thank me; thank Americans, from the…
Woe unto me.
Four week Recap: The dog smacks me in the jaw with his Adamantium skull resulting in… A broken tooth, resulting in… A root canal, resulting in… Parenthsia – the left side of my tongue is numb yet tingles and burns at the same time. New tires on one car. HVAC goes out at the house.…
Doctor Zero: “Hopelessness and Stasis”
The soulful stylings of Doctor Zero, on the President’s September 20, 2010 Townhall Meeting in Washington D.C. Responding to a question about the perception of business leaders that his policies are hostile toward them, Obama field tested a new meme about how the recession has really been over for a year: Well, first of all,…