Howling Up At The Moon and Moaning Under The Stars

  • When anyone can spend, it really doesn’t matter where the money comes from, as long as it comes from someone else.

    California has a long history with the ballot initiative process. Most famously, Proposition 13’s passage in 1978 heralded the Tax reform wave that swept the nation in the 1980s. Proposition 13 however, impacted  how the state collected revenue, but it did not impact how the state could spend tax dollars. The larger history of the California…

  • 29 Days in 2011.

    [Train of thought reflections on a very bad 2011 – written in 8 minutes, no editing.] “Mom has leukemia.” My oldest sister Becky was calling on a Saturday afternoon early in March 2011.  Mom had been describing vague flu-like symptoms for the better part of a month, and had finally relented about going to the…

  • Happy Birthday, Dad

    Happy birthday Dad. John L Davey April 10, 1927 – May 17, 2005 USMC / USAF

  • Darrell Steinberg wants a tax increase: But 2 out of three are bad.

    In a Sacramento Bee article, California Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg (D Sacramento) notes that the possibility of sending competing tax increase measures before the voters is fraught with peril. Make no mistake, Senator Steinberg wants a tax increase to pass. Because California’s highest earners aren’t paying enough? Steinberg said it “scares the heck…

  • The Teenage Mindset: Go sit in the corner.

    Saw this in the comments at The Bleat today. “We even have an entire political party arguing that telling someone to pay for their own stuff is the same as telling them they can’t have it – the very essence of the teenage mindset.” Keep it simple. Just because I don’t want to pay for…

  • December 7th, 1941

    December 7th, 1941

    The seminal event that saved the world. Sir Winston Churchill interpreted the eventual outcome correctly as soon as he learned of the attack. Fascism, from Hitler’s Germany, Mussolini’s Italy, and Tojo’s Japan, would soon fall: Being saturated and satiated with emotion and sensation, I went to bed and slept the sleep of the saved and…

  • A Love Affair

    A Love Affair

    Veterans Day. Every year we take this one day to thank those who have served. As we should. The truth is that there is no possible way that we can offer enough thanks to those who have served. On Memorial Day, we honor those who have died in war, wearing the Uniform of the United…

  • Remembering Andrew Jay-Hoon Kim

    Remembering Andrew Jay-Hoon Kim

    “He never wanted to be in the spotlight, but the spotlight always managed to find him.“ Andrew Jay-Hoon Kim was 26 years old. A graduate of Columbia University, Andrew worked at Fred Alger Management on the 93rd floor of One World Trade Center. And while Andrew had a bachelor’s degree in Engineering, it was music…

  • Remembering Montgomery McCullough Hord

    Remembering Montgomery McCullough Hord

    Montgomery McCullough Hord was 46 years old. He was born in Grand Island Nebraska, and raised in Central City Nebraska. He and his wife Lisa Sharp Hord had three children, Molly, and twins Sophie and Jackson. Montgomery was survived by his sisters, Sara Beck and Debra Taylor, and his brothers, Dan Hord, and Stacy Hord…

  • Remembering Eli Chalouh

    Remembering Eli Chalouh

    Eli Chalouh was an employee of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance in the World Trade Center. He was 23 years old. He came to the United States with his family from Syria when he was 14. He had graduated from Long Island University in 2001. Eli was a member of the…