Remembering Andrew Jay-Hoon Kim

Andrew Kim

“He never wanted to be in the spotlight, but the spotlight always managed to find him.

Andrew Jay-Hoon Kim was 26 years old. A graduate of Columbia University, Andrew worked at Fred Alger Management on the 93rd floor of One World Trade Center. And while Andrew had a bachelor’s degree in Engineering, it was music and faith that dominated his world. Andrew played guitar, clarinet, and piano. Blessed with a beautiful signing voice, Andrew was a member of a Jazz ensemble.

Andrew helped coach the Leonia High School Girls’ Junior Varsity Tennis Team. The tennis courts in Leonia have been renamed and dedicated to his memory.

Though he lived in Leonia NJ, he worshiped at Bethany United Methodist Church in Wayne NJ, where he helped fellow parishioners meet the calling of their faith.

Andrew’s Guest Book can be found here

A small memorial for Andrew can be found here

The world is so much poorer for the passing of this remarkable young man.







2 responses to “Remembering Andrew Jay-Hoon Kim”

  1. The Gonzo Mama Avatar

    What a talented young man. Thank you for remembering Andrew.

  2. Ross Rogers Avatar
    Ross Rogers

    I never knew Andrew. I was at the 9/11 memorial today and I randomly came across his name among all the others surrounding the north tower waterfall. Thought I’d pay my respects by looking into who he was and the loving family he left behind. My heart goes out to all.

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