Category: Music
Stuck In My Ear: Elvis Costello “Everyday I Write The Book”
Still Angsty, but a seemingly happier Elvis. Million selling records can do that for you. From 1983, Everyday I Write The Book
Stuck In My Ear: Elvis Costello “The Angels Want To Wear My Red Shoes”
At their jangley, angsty best. Originally heard on 1977’s My Aim Is True. Elvis Costello And The Attractions (LIVE).
Stuck In My Ear: Robbie Robertson “Showdown At Big Sky”
Not really a huge fan of The Band. They always seemed so pretentious, and as far as their politics, well, Canada, you know, eh? However, Robbie Robertson solo from The Band, is a different performer. This song in particular sticks in my head. Lavishly produced, and as high quality as anything that Robertson has done.…
Stuck In My Ear: Jon Butcher “Holy War”
An ACTUAL Jon Butcher music video. This is as commercial as it gets for Jon Butcher.
Stuck In My Ear: Jon Butcher “Two Hearts Running”
More Jon Butcher. Two Hearts Running
More Jon Butcher: Goodbye Saving Grace
As promised. more Jon Butcher. Nice pacing on this one. Again, not really a music video, but embeddable, for listening sake.
Stuck In My Ear: Jon Butcher Wishes
A song I haven’t heard since maybe 1990. But it pops into my head from time to time. Sadly, the album’s out of print, and while I haven’t checked, it would probably be impossible to find the original CD. Jon Butcher has a Hendrix-esque quality to his sound. Doesn’t hurt that his band’s name was…
Down That Highway
This is a song from the old Shaw Blades album Hallucination from 1995. Started listening to it again recently, and my 8 and 5 year old girls can hit the harmony pretty well. This live version does absolutely no justice to the recorded version. Me likey. Little baby crying for attention Let me tell you…
A new entry in the Pantheon of all time great Cartoon theme songs:
Having a four year old and an eight year old means we’ve endured a bunch of PBS, Nick Jr., Disney Channel, and Cartoon Network. Our kids have been watching this show on the Disney Channel for the past several months, and I am now considering nominating it’s theme song to The Pantheon Of All Time…
Ray Davies we need you!
Another song that popped into my head and won’t go away. The Kinks! With the Wurlitzer and all old timey-sounding, it certainly never sounded like the Kinks as we knew them, but still a lovely little song. The video features the Über Acting! of Ray Davies. We could use a few more performers like him…